The national Powerball lottery is a big item in the news at this time. This leads to the question of whether or not a Christian should take part in the many forms of gambling available to us today. A lot of people will answer that gambling is outright bad, but legal gambling is a $449.3 billion industry currently and is projected to cross $1 Trillion in the future. So evidently, gambling isn’t outright bad. Gambling, in fact, is a good recreation if done with the intent of entertainment.

  • INTERNET GAMBLING: IS IT WORTH THE RISK? The use of Internet technology for gambling is a novel idea to some, but for others it is a criminal prosecution waiting to happen. The convenience of Internet gambling is appealing. No long flights to Las Vegas or Atlantic City, just a click of the.
  • The valuation of Amazon shares poses investment risk. At nearly $3,000 a share as of July 2020, Amazon is a highly speculative investment with a market cap over $1 trillion and a trailing P/E.

Gambling is one of the stealthier addictions, both to spot and to succumb to in all its glory. After all, everyone gambles – don’t they?

Take, for example, that big ol’ thing called “life.” Every day we take a “gamble” on what we plan to do and keep the faith that it will turn out to our advantage one way or another. Each decision results in a consequence. In short, and as defined by Webster’s New World™ College Dictionary (4th Edition) to gamble is “to take a risk in order to gain some advantage.”

Consider the words risk and advantage. At what cost is risk? And how big is the advantage? We all have to take some kind of risk in order in order to keep moving ahead. We have to cross the road to get to the other side.

Yet, what happens if the risk is increased? But the advantage remains the same, or even less likely? Say, for example, the proverbial road is a five-line freeway instead of a single-track road; suddenly the risk of getting safely to the other side is increased. Yet the advantage is still the same, that is, we still want to be on the other side of the road (where the grass is said to be greener). Is the increased risk of safely making it to the other side of the road worth it? Or not? Is it time to quit when the single-lane road becomes a five-line highway because the advantage is not worth the higher risk?

I studied statistics and the law of probability in college. I soon concluded that most statistics can be “manipulated” to become the (perceived) outcome that you want it to be. And, so it is with gambling. The odds might be stacked against you, but we only see what we want to see, and convince ourselves that this time it really is “the big one.” We take that big risk, take those high odds, because someone must win, right? And why shouldn’t that someone be you?

Life is all about a calculated risk. We can’t control everything that happens to us. But, if we take the time to assess some risks more closely, we may decide that the advantage is not worth taking the risk, and thus control the outcome. Our lives, our health, our family, our security – our sanity – is more important. Having someone beside you to help you understand, and support you, when those risks become too much is often crucial.

My big gamble in life was moving from one continent to another. I thought that the “advantage” was worth it. And, it may have been for a while. But then my gamble went wrong – or the rules of the game changed, and I didn’t realize it. Not through any particular action I took, but that it soon became clear to me that the initial advantage was no longer worth the changing risks. I needed to change my situation. In essence, call “quitting time.” But, like many in emotionally abusive relationships (which can be likened to addiction), I needed support to both understand and have the strength to change my risk and advantage. It took me several years to “quit” – and even more in continued recovery.

In closing, as you read through the common threads in articles in this issue on gambling, and the brave, insightful stories of those who’ve shared, think about both the risk and the advantage next time you are faced with a gamble. Is it worth it? If you’ve taken a risk – is the advantage (or stake) still the same as it was? Or did the rules of the game change? And finally, is it quitting time?

Last Updated on March 7, 2020

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The Risky Implications

Betting can change your life and in a way it can make or mar you. It might eventually worth the risk trying; nevertheless, it comes with its own implications. As we all know everything has its own good and bad sides so as betting or gambling.
Please Note: Before reading deep into this article, we have to clear some facts here because we are not in any way promoting gambling or betting neither on this platform nor in any way encouraging gambling or betting to anyone. We are only here to enlighten our readers on how betting might eventually change a life for the worse or better, and to create awareness on the advantages and disadvantages of betting. It is all left to the readers to choose for themselves what they want and how they want it.

Is Gambling Worth The Risk Assessment

What is Betting and Gambling?

First thing we should always have in mind is that gambling or betting is a game mostly between two parties – the gambler and the owner of the company.
Betting is an action of gambling money on the outcome of a race, game, or other unpredictable event. – Google
the habit of risking money on horse races, sports events, etc.: – Dictionary Cambridge
Betting and gambling is quite different but synonymous if we are to be realistic.
As betting is a process in which an individual place something valuable to get something more valuable by gambling.
On the other hand gambling is an act by which one uses intellectual, psychological and mathematical ideas to foresee and hope something to happen by chance yetleaving everything to faith.
The process of exchanging something valuable to get more value is called betting.

Is betting worth it?

For decades the debate of gambling has been waving over the air, if gambling is really good or not. Or, is it just a mere scam to get value from people who gamble?
Mostly in the African countries gambling has taken a long stretch and ranking over the years, while some take it as a life time job, some even go further to making it an office work where they make their daily or monthly earnings.

When gambling, always remember there is one behind the wheel. – CravingBiz

We may not really blame some people for their actions, since most of the Africa countries specifically Nigeria is not ready to listen to the clamour for change and cries of the masses, basically the young folks, a Nation where people struggle to make a living, a country where poverty has taking away the joy and happiness of many people, people find every means to survive while craving for success, people stay jobless based on unemployment, so therefore, the people, youths and adults take it upon themselves to find a means of survival by involving themselves in gambling.
Is Gambling Worth The Risk

Is betting an effort of hard work or luck?

Because most African countries are religious countries, it is believed that betting is morally wrong and it is ungodly to those who get involved in it.
As the policy placed on betting in Africa and some other continents brings to stand that betting or gambling is only suitable for people above 18 years of age.
Gambling is a win or lose game with which everyone is familiar with, it is either you win or lose so no long talk about that. But does it mean we put no effort in it?
Gambling is a mental and psychological game that involves the activity of the Brain when we try to predict what is going or about to happen.
It involves straining of the brain to systematically predict with mathematical and logical application of inductive and deductive reasoning to arrive at an indefinite conclusion which is based on assumption. Leaving everything to faith which is by chance or by luck
It takes a cause to happen before an effect takes place, if gamblers don’t predict they might never get results. The result will always be either positive or negative and it is always on probabilities.
So you might agree with me that it comprises of both hard work and luck at the same time. Since everything in life has its pros and cons that also applies to betting or gambling.

Advantages of Gambling

The only good thing about betting or gambling is winning and you can win big and change your life and story for good, in contrast to this, it can also destroy that same life forever. You may ask how?


Disadvantages of Gambling

The only time we can enjoy gambling is when we win, apart from that nothing else. The negative side of gambling weighs more. It leads to addiction, confusion, aggressiveness, mood swings, depression and the tension it bringscan eventually cost us our lives if we are not careful enough (death).
Addiction is a powerful syndrome that could be incurable when fully into one’s life. When we are determined and wish to get something in return for the values we offer but could not get it, yet we kept on trying again and again with the little resources or reserve we have, yet gets nothing back in return it results to frustration.
Addiction in gambling has directly and indirectly bettered, destroyed and damage people’s lives by making the rich become poor and the poor become rich. Thereby, the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer.
We have heard about the stories of people who had spent their boss’s money on gambling. Some people bet their house rents even some others use up their school fees, business capital and many more on gambling and at the end they lose it all, taking them back to square one.

The One Behind The Wheel

One thing we should take note of is that as humans every man’s urge for success is high, nobody wants to fail or become a loser, this desire and thoughts also applies to the owner of the gambling station where we go to place our bets.
Though, gambling is based on luck but they who owns the company will never want to lose so they have their own tricks as well and they try their possible best to manipulate things by turning things around when someone is about to win.
They sometimes cajole us with some wins but at the long run place the game to the company’s favour. Most times we think we play games but we never knew that it is the other way round.
In conclusion, gambling is what it is, a game of luck, physical work or activity or whatever definition you give it. Since life is full of risk, most people believe the same also applies to gambling. So we need to be wise and make the right decisions for ourselves if we truly want to succeed in life. We should also never forget that – There is always someone behind the wheel who plays us.

Is Gambling Worth The Risks

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