i recently began online gambling for the first time every in my life and deposited $500 into my account. the first day of gambling for really successful for me as i ended up with nearly $900.

2009's Epic Disaster Film 2012 Coming to 4K UHD Blu-ray January 19th 2021. This amount of bandwidth is still high enough to support 4K 120Hz signals with full 10-bit color depth for high-speed HDR gaming with no compromise, though high-refresh 8K HDR is likely off the table.


At 4K, the RTX 2080 Ti lost a third of its frames but still managed a solid 94.1 fps, narrowly beating the Titan V (89 fps), while leaving the GTX 1080 Ti (65.9 fps) in the dust. Hello everyone, i lost about 4k euros, it was my money which i saved and now lost, it is strange that i started gambling when i did not earn enough money in my job, and i did not want all the time to spend money from my saving account, and i became addicted even my salary increase that i even could save money from my salary. I can not sleep.

then today....Gambling
i started off playing poker and lost a few, so then i switched to playing roulette at the online casino and lost all my $870...
i deposited $500 into my account hoping to regain it... i lost it all again
then i deposited $500 again a few minutes later, lost it all again.
i deposited another $500 one last time and lost everything. i feel so depressed right now. after losing nearly $3000 in just an hour i knew i have a serious gambling problem. so i immediately locked my credit card away under a table, and sent an e-mail to the casino site to close my account. they just closed my account a few minutes ago and said that it will never be enabled again.
Gamesthe depressing thing about this was that i said to myself at the beggining of today 'if i lost more than $100, i will stop for the rest of the day'. well i ended up losing way more than that, now i don't know how to explain this to my parents when they see that i have a $2000 credit card payment.... even worse is that this happen right before christmas... and i'm still in university and this is a big blow to my tuition payments.

Lost 4k Gambling Sites

i just feel so sad. i was so stupid to have wasted so much money in such a short amount of time. it'll take me nearly 3 months of working at my current job to make back $2100 (i make about $700 a month). my family doesnt make much either because we are barely a middle class family and i know my parents work hard to save their money for me, while i just blew away so much. o man am i stupid....
  • This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 11 months ago by .

Lost 4k Gambling Games

Lost 4k Gambling

Lost 4k Gambling Movie

  • Hello everyone,

    This is my first post here on the forums and my first step of overcoming my gambling addiction and my native language is not English so please bear with me..

    Im a 27 year old European man and I’ve had a gambling problem for about 4-5 years now. My bad habit started when I was in a stressful situation in my first job as I was being bullied there. The gambling gave me some kind of relief and joy in life back then and unfortunately the habit has stuck even though I’m in a different good job now.

    My game of choice has always been blackjack, which I randomly play (usually when drinking) couple of times a year on online casinos, but usually with pretty high bets.
    But even when I’ve managed to keep myself out of that game and casino games in general, the gambling addiction has taken another form; I have spent A LOT of my money trough the last 4 years on buying random packs of expensive sports collectible cards, which may sound funny but actually has the same feeling of excitement as gambling because you may get very expensive cards that easily sell for hundreds or thousands on eBay, so it’s basically gambling. I don’t really care for collecting the cards that much, it’s all about the excitement of getting a really expensive one out of the packs. Gladly those things are physical and I can sell those even not-so-valuable cards and maybe get a grand of my money back..

    In the last month or so I haven’t bought any collectible cards but I’ve relapsed back to blackjack and I happen won couple of thousand euros during that time. I wanted to quit so bad while I was ahead, but the game was so addicting today I blew the 2000 I won and spent another 2000 of my own money trying to chase the losses and lost it all (this is my worst loss ever). I really feel like crap and had suicidal thoughts for while after the loss.. I literally have no life savings at this point of life even when I’ve been working for 7 years now (I have couple of grands saved in investment funds but that’s it). The only positive thing I can think of my financial situation is that I gladly have no debt (and hopefully never will for gambling!).

    I have a really beautiful girlfriend that I love and wan’t to make things better for myself and her (she doesn’t know about the loss at this point). We might be getting a baby too in the future, but I want to defeat my addictions before that, because I cant be a good father If I have these problems. I think I might have to get therapy too for my bullying experiences, the root of my gambling addiction probably comes from the trauma caused by it.

    Hopefully I can get a fresh start on life now and I want this loss to be a expensive but life changing lesson for me that will pay of in the future out as positive things. I actually have now set me a goal of having 30.000 euros saved when I turn 30 and I am determined to accomplish that. I’m also a bit overweight so I plan to lose weight too and take care of my body.
    My short term plan for the money problems is to sell useless stuff (and those cards) out of the house and making some money back that way.

    Just wanted to share my story and current plan, I’ll try to keep post on this thread about my progression, in all of its honesty. (Even If I happen to relapse).

    Hi EJ, welcome to the forum. It is good that you have recognized all of this already. It sounds like you’ve done a lot of soul searching about the problem, what may of caused it in the beginning, and how it is now a problem in it’s own right.

    Once we cross the invisible line and become a compulsive gambler, someone who has a hard time stopping, and bets uncontrollably, causing all sorts of damage, we cannot go back to being casual gamblers for fun. It just doesn’t seem to be something that reverses. For me the only option was to completely stop. And to find joy in every day things.

    Perhaps you could talk to the helpline here. They may have some suggestions on counseling for your past traumatic experiences.

    I think you are saying all the right things EJ. Just remember, when we get urges or crave the gambling our commons sense just seems to go out the window. It’s good especially in the beginning to put things in place that prevent you from gambling your own money. Any way to tie up your money? Start a special savings account that requires two signatures to get the money, yours and your girlfriends maybe? Then you can transfer funds out of your account you can access. Just some thoughts. I’m sure others here will have ideas as well.

    Keep reading and posting. It can truly help.


    Hello and thanks for starting a thread in the Gambling Therapy forums

    Here at Gambling Therapy we pride ourselves on being a caring and diverse online community who can help and support you with the difficulties you’re currently facing. We understand that this might be a tough time for you, particularly if you’re new to recovery, so come here as often as you need to and participate in the forums, access online groups and connect to the live advice helpline if you need one to one support. We’re in this together!

    Here on the forum you can share your experiences in a safe, supportive and accepting environment. The beauty of writing it all down is that you can take your time and you will be creating a record of your progress that you can look back on if it ever feels like you’re not moving forward. So, share as much or as little as you like but do try to stick to keeping just one thread in this forum so people know where to find you if they want to be updated on your progress or share something with you.

    As well as the forums New Members are invited to join Charles in the New Members Practical Advice Group On Mondays at 21:00 (UK) and Thursday at 19:00(UK)

    And on that note….

    I’m going to hand you over to our community because I’m sure they will have some words of wisdom for you 🙂

    Take care

    The Gambling Therapy Team

    PS: Let me just remind you to take a look at our privacy policy and terms and conditions so you know how it all works!

    Hi EJ,
    Thank you for sharing your story. Like you I only joined this forum yesterday as everything came to a head for me. You have completed the first step by admitting your problem.
    Maybe it would benefit you seeing your GP? I did and to be honest it was nice being able to get some of the stuff I had been hiding off my chest.
    I have also self excluded from all of my online sites (slots are my poison).
    You are not alone and even in the last 24 hours I have found this site so helpful and the advice I have received is fantastic!
    I have to agree with Laura that reading other peoples stories can also be helpful. There are so many people on here like us who are just looking for a way to control this addiction instead of it controlling us.

    Hope you are well.

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